Sunday, February 19, 2012

Terrible Toes

WARNING: If you don't like feet or blood, you may be totally grossed out by this post.

This is why men always need to take out the trash.

The culprit: Damian's trash can.

 The victim: My big toe on my left foot.

When Lucy saw that Mommy was having pictures of her feet taken, she wanted a picture of her feet taken too. I just trimmed and painted her toenails yesterday.

What the heck happened, you might ask? Well, Brandon was actually being very helpful this morning and was cleaning all the snow off of the car and shoveling the driveway and wanted to take the recycling and trash out to the bin. So he was standing in the back doorway in his boots, not wanting to track snow into the house and asked me to bring him the trash. As I was pulling the trash bag out of the can, the metal trash can lifted up without me realizing it and then crashed down on my left big toe. I screamed. But I didn't cry. I actually didn't think that it was that bad once I got over the initial shock and pain. But I figured that I should have Brandon take a picture of it to document its grossness.

So I was already running late for church but then I had to walk around all gimpy to finish getting ready. I tried to put on my heeled boots but Brandon discouraged that idea so I made do with my regular snow boots even though I know that they aren't the most fashionable. But I really couldn't wear heels (and didn't have any flats and didn't want to wear my flip flops in the snow) since I didn't want to put pressure on the toe.

Here is my awesome church outfit. Shoes really can make an outfit (or ruin it as in this case although I realize that sweater isn't helping much).

Once I got to church, I realized that I had made a mistake - I should have gone to Urgent Care and skipped out on church. I didn't think my injury was that bad and I had to teach my little 5 year old kids but I was in a lot of pain and realized that I might have broken my toe. As soon as I got to church, I had to take my boot off because it was hurting so much. And this is what it looked like:

It was throbbing and bleeding and I was walking on the side of my foot which was making my leg and ankle hurt. I don't think that my nylons were helping the situation either. 

So when I got home (or rather, to Damian's house), I had Brandon take one more picture and then I headed up to Urgent Care (which thank goodness, is right down the street from us and was not busy).

I guess it doesn't really look any worse except bloodier but it felt a lot worse. It might have been a little bit more swollen too cause I couldn't even handle wearing flip flops. 

At Urgent Care, they took my temperature and I had a low fever (100 degrees) - probably caught from Lucy which explained why I had been feeling so crappy the past couple days. And because I was in so much pain, the doctor decided that we should relieve the pressure. How do you do that, you may ask? I know my dad knows how this happens because I remember him telling me a story about how his finger got slammed in a window and he had all this pressure building up underneath the finger nail. I think that he actually used a pin or a nail to make a small hole in the nail. Well, we are much more sophisticated around here so the doctor used a heated wire to burn two holes in my nail. And it hurt as much as it sounds. And blood squirted everywhere. He said that it would hurt only if I moved or if he went too far down. He said that I moved but I think he went too far down.

Blood leaked out for quite a while. And it wasn't immediate relief. It took a bit of time. After that procedure, I had to get x-rays to make sure that I didn't break my toe/toes. But before they could give me the x-rays, they wanted to make sure that I wasn't pregnant since we have been trying (but it's only been 26 days since my last period). So I peed in a cup and the test came out negative although the x-ray tech warned me that I could still be pregnant (but I doubt I am because Lucy doesn't seem to want to cooperate going to bed at a reasonable hour when I am ovulating - TMI?). But she still did double layers of lead shields on my belly before she took the three x-rays.

No broken bones. Not pregnant (yet). But I still had to get a tetanus shot since I had no idea when my last one was. And a prescription for Lortab for the pain even though by that time, I was feeling considerable relief.

Thank goodness for good insurance and doctors. What pain and inconvenience one small accident can cause.


And of course, we had to take a picture of Lucy's outfit that she wore to church today. She also had some pink snow boots on too. What a fashion sense this girl has already.

But she still started her nap at 4:45 PM. Another long night. Maybe I should fill that prescription for Lortab...


MamaM said...

Ouch! I love that you posted about your nasty toe.

Mark said...

Well, Annie, I made it through your pictures. Change to a big Rubbermaid barrel. Those hurt a little bit less.