Sunday, February 26, 2012

Brandon's Locksmith Skills

Enough said.


MamaQ said...

Oh c'mon. I want to hear the story that goes along with this!

MamaD said...

It really wasn't all that interesting. We got locked out of the house, but were able to break in to through a tiny basement window that wasn't locked (still can't believe that we fit through it). But the door that leads to the upstairs was locked so since we had all of Brandon's tools in the basement, we just cut a hole through the door to unlock it. We thought it would be a better idea than to break the whole door down. We will eventually replace this door, of course...

Mark said...

I presume the door hinge pins were on the other side of the door.

MamaM said...

You should have done it closer to the bottom so it could be a cat door!