Sunday, February 19, 2012


Warning: you may be incredible bored by this post. But I can't help myself! I know that this isn't a deal blog but I just need to share some of the great deals that I find. Emily makes fun of my all the time for my addiction to couponing. And even though there was a period of time when I was kinda obsessed, I've been able to reign it in but still enjoy the benefits.

So my favorite place to get deals lately is at Target. The reason why the deals at Target are so good is because Target has their own store coupons that you can stack with manufacturer coupons and they already have pretty reasonably priced items but great sale and clearance items too. I'm trying to do much better in making sure I buy things we "need" and actually use. The above trip isn't my best trip ever but it was pretty decent.

We were in sore need of toilet paper. It was on sale for $15.99 but I had a $1 off Target coupon and  $2 off manufacturer coupon so I got it for $12.99. Not bad for 36 double rolls of toilet paper. I usually like Scott toilet paper but we aren't too picky if I can get a really good deal.

I also needed body wash and I found a huge bottle of Ivory body wash in the clearance section for $1.74 (original price was closer to $4, I think). I used to be picky about body wash but there was a period where I was getting a ton of body wash for free with coupons so I learned to appreciate whatever I got for free. My body wash stockpile has been depleted and good deals on body wash have been scarce so I was happy to find this. Obviously, if I need something, I try to buy it instead of just waiting for a sale or a coupon to go with it. But this might be Brandon's biggest complaint about my couponing because sometimes, when we "need" something, I won't buy it unless I feel like it is a reasonable price. I hate paying full price for things when I know if I just wait it out, a great deal will come along. This can be problematic sometimes.

I always try to stock up on pasta sauce when I see a great price and since we have switched over almost exclusively to organic food, I couldn't pass up this deal. Organic Bertolli pasta sauce was on sale for $1.89 each and I had a Target coupon for $1.50 off my purchase of two jars. So I paid $1.14 for each jar. At the grocery store I usually go to, I often pay around $4 for each jar of organic pasta sauce. I'm just sad that I didn't have another coupon because I would have bought two more.

And you see those two Reach flosses? Those are regularly priced at $0.97 each but I had two manufacturer coupons for $1 off so I got them for completely free. I almost never pay for floss because I stock up when the $1 off coupons come around on the internet.

The Welch's Fruit Fizz is not an item I would usually buy because I avoid soda. But it's a new product and they had a really good coupon ($2 off each 4-pack box) and I had three of them and they were on sale for $2.50 so I couldn't pass them up for $0.50 a box. I wish I did because there is now a Target coupon on-line for $1 off and I could have combined it with my manufacturer coupon to get them for completely free. But I figure that it is nice to have these types of beverages on hand in case you are going to a get-together and want to contribute something. And the nice thing about these is that they don't have added sugar so maybe not quite as bad as soda...

The last thing I got was a gray turtleneck which was on clearance for just $3.60! What a great price!! But I didn't really need a gray turtleneck so I felt like I couldn't even justify the $3.60 price tag. Luckily, I had a Target coupon for $3 off clothing so I got it for just $0.60!! Come on, that is a really fantastic price. And of course, I tried it on to make sure it looked good and I was really pleased with it. You really can't beat $0.60 for a shirt!!

 (Sorry this picture is blurry - Lucy dropped my camera and the focus isn't working so well)

All together, my purchase should have cost $34.55 but after my coupons, I only spent $19.11. I saved $15.50 in coupons and that doesn't even factor in what the regular price of those items were. 

Of course, you may be wondering how much time I spent doing all my shopping. I don't spend a ton of time clipping coupons because I do that while I am watching Lucy take a bath or in those weird in-between times that you are wasting time anyway. I do spend a fair amount of time on the computer, looking at deal blogs and printing coupons, but come on - who doesn't waste time on the computer. But to be honest, I do spend a fair amount of time shopping. My excuse here is that we really did legitimately need some of this stuff and I was feeling really sick on Friday afternoon so after expending all my energy painting Lucy's room on the house in the morning, I spent much of my afternoon at Target, just wandering around to pass time since I didn't want to do any more work on my house (and I needed to eat lunch and get a prescription for Brandon). So there is my justification but judge me all you want.

But now you will really think I'm crazy. Even though I had just gone shopping on Friday, we were all feeling kind of under the weather on Saturday, so I had Brandon drop me off at Target with Lucy while he ran to the house to do a few things. There were just a few new deals that popped up over night that I wanted to take advantage of.

So here is Target trip number two:

I'm not a huge yogurt fan and even though Brandon likes it, he usually prefers Greek yogurt because of the higher protein content. But I couldn't pass up free yogurt! That's right - FREE! The Activia yogurt was on sale for $2 each and I had two $1 off manufacturer coupons and Target coupon for $2 off your purchase of 2 coupon so I got it for free. There weren't many flavors to choose from but I had my vanilla yogurt this morning and I thoroughly enjoyed it.

That Godiva chocolate was originally $4.99 but do you think I paid that? Of course not! Since it was a seasonal Valentine's Day item, it was on clearance for 30% off but when I double checked the price on the little price checker machine at the store, it said $1.49 which means that it was actually 70% off! And guess what, I had a Target coupon for $1 off an Godiva item so I got it for $0.49. And this isn't just going straight to my thighs - I'm giving this to an elderly lady who I visit teach at church.

That little Vaseline lotion was only $0.97 which is such a small amount but free is even better. And I had a $1 off manufacturer coupon for Vaseline lotion so that was perfect.

The mouthwash wasn't a fantastic deal but probably the best I can get. We are very picky about our mouthwash and only use Act (or the generic version) per recommendation of our dentist - no Scope or Listerine in this house. So this mouthwash was on sale for $2.88 each but I had two Target coupons for $1 off so I got them for $1.88 each.

And to help me not have a Valentine fail in 2013, I stocked up on these darling little 15-count cellophane bags. They were originally priced $2 but were on clearance for 70% off so I got them for $0.60 each. I was really tempted not to get these and to wait until the clearance hit 90% off so I could get them for just $0.20 but I was afraid that they would run out and I would miss out on it. So I may take a peak later on in the week when the Valentine's clearance at Target hits 90% off so I can stock up on more of these. Cause I think that they would work for other things besides just Valentine's Day.

What I didn't include in my picture was Lucy's stupid plastic bracelet and ring set that I got in the dollar spot to appease her while I shopped and desk calender on clearance for $2.98 and some regular priced organic oatmeal cause Brandon needed some.

So I saved $7 in coupons but I was pretty happy with my clearance prices even without coupons.

Shopping can really build up an appetite so we stopped on the way home at our favorite pho restaurant since it is so close to Target and we've all been sick and I was craving some good soup.  I actually took pictures this time.

I love all the fresh basil and bean sprouts you put into the soup. Lucy also loves bean sprouts (and any noodle-y things).

On the way home, I couldn't help but have Brandon stop super quick at Rite Aid, because the M&Ms were on sale for 2 for $5 and I had two $1 off manufacturer coupons and the store was giving back $1 in store credit (UP+ Rewards). So it means that I got them for $1 a bag. And again, legitimate need because I needed to bring in a treat for my Sunday School lesson for the 5 year old kids at church and I ended up using those cellophane bags I got from Target with the M&Ms for the kids. Perfect.

So go ahead, Judge me. Laugh all you want and call me the crazy coupon lady. But you may be the recipient of some awesome deal I found and I hope that it makes your day!


MamaM said...

You're right, that was incredibly boring. Just kidding. Only a little boring. You are a maniac.

Kumi said...

Oh, Godiva!! I love this kind sale/deal. But I've never seen any coupon here this country side:(
Please find a choco deals before I go back the States!!