Sunday, February 05, 2012

Making Cookies

Our weekends seem to repeat themselves. Last Saturday, we headed out to Discovery Gateway again because Emily was going to be there with Olive, along with Kim and Marlo. We moms found a comfy couch in the corner and parked our butts there while the girls played. These places are so much better when you have some adult company to keep you sane in between looking for your kid who wanders off. They seriously need to install a gate so your kid can't get out without you (but maybe fire hazard - or they don't want parents not watching their kids).

The girls are so incredibly cute together - all holding hands. That little bear on Emily's shoulder belongs to Marlo who is supposed to document her weekends for her pre-school with him.  Pretty adorable.

Our little excursion to the children's museum ended up being relatively short since it only opens at 10:00 am (and I got there 45 minutes late, of course) and we had to get the girls lunch and then naps. So we headed out to the food court at the Gateway to get some food and while we were walking, I noticed the very unique way in which Lucy put on her shoes and thought I should capture a picture of it.

She has been doing this for a while - instead of putting the straps across her feet, she threads them through the loops of the bow at the top. As cute as it is, it is a huge pain in the butt because her shoes are always falling off and then it is really difficult to get the straps out of the little loops in the bows. Oh well, hopefully, she will grow out of it.

Lucy almost fell asleep on the way home but the nap just didn't take. Instead, we ended up making cookies for a church activity we had to go to. Lucy is quickly learning that mixing is quite the arm workout and I think that she yearns for a Kitchenaid mixer as much as her mom does. Also, sitting on the counter top is her new favorite thing.

She was actually really helpful with dipping the gingersnaps into the sugar. I thought she did a good job.

But it's not like our cookies were very difficult to make - we ended up using a box mix because we were short on time and that is just what we had lying around. But do you see that logo - EA Gingerbread cookies mix?

It was really Betty Crocker though. For Christmas, all the employees at Brandon's work got gift bags filled with cookie mix, EA apron, oven mitt, and gingerbread men cookie cutters.

But we didn't have a rolling pin and I just didn't want to mess with the hassle since we were short on time so Lucy was a little disappointed that we just made gingersnaps instead of gingerbread men. Next time, honey!

And while we waited for the gingersnaps to bake, I munched on bakery-bought snickerdoodles from Great Harvest - yum! We kinda stole these from Uncle Damian (well, we did have his permission)!

But it's a good thing we ate all those snickerdoodles because we never even got to eat our gingersnaps. We brought them to our church activity and didn't realize that it was a fundraiser for the Boy Scouts and that we had to pay for our own refreshments! Bummer. Not that I need any of the extra cookies.


Kumi said...

Thank you for taking photos in your busy life!! I enjoyed every one of them a lot!!

Kendra said...

gingerbread cookies are my fave. gosh, i am getting hungry for some cookies!