Monday, July 01, 2013

Newborn Pictures - March 27, 2013

I never had newborn pictures done of Lucy and always kind of regretted it. So when my church's young women's group held a dinner and silent auction for their camp fundraiser, I was happy to have an excuse to buy myself some stuff support them. One of the services I purchased was a photo session from another mom in the ward, Jennie Ringwood. She does photography on the side but I had seen her work before and knew she was good and got such a great deal on her services. We didn't really need family pictures since we just had some done in November in St. George and I also prefer my family pictures to be done in the fall so I can use them for Christmas cards. So I thought that newborn pictures of Grey would be perfect.

Since I had never had newborn pictures done before, I wasn't sure what to expect or how to prepare. Brandon just took the first week off of work that Grey was born and then my mother arrived the next week on Monday, March 25th to help me out so it worked out quite well that she could be there to help me with Lucy or whatever else I needed. Jennie told me if I wanted nekkid pictures, that I should keep the thermostat at 78 degrees (we usually keep it at 72 degrees in the winter and 78 degrees in the summer) so it was very warm for us. Jennie came all prepared with a cool pvc frame to hang fabric for a backdrop and a giant bean bag to put Grey on and she set up the whole thing right in my living room since we have a big picture window that gives great light. However, Grey was not very cooperative for the shoot. You would think that newborn babies just sleep and that is what we wanted but of course, he was wide awake and often fussy. So the shoot took hours (literally, I think it took 3 or 4 hours) but Jennie was very patient and we had lots of opportunities to sit and chat while I nursed him or burped him or changed his diaper. So there are quite a few awake shots of him but some great sleeping photos of him when he finally decided to go to sleep. I am very happy with the results. I already posted these photos to facebook but here they are again:   

Love that she caught this yawn!

And of course, even though this was a newborn shoot primarily for Grey, you can't forget the big sister! I love how the pictures of Lucy turned out.

 It almost looks like he is smiling in this one!

I seriously tried to do my hair in make-up for this day because I anticipated that I might make it into some of these pictures. Nevertheless, my sister, Emily totally made fun of me for my crappy hair styling ability and make-up application skills. But seriously, I've had some bad haircuts and dye jobs in the past year - I didn't have much to work with in the hair department. But there is no excuse for the make-up - I'm just not very good at putting it on (or having the correct foundation?).

 Love, love, love this picture. It might be my favorite.

Just disregard my hair in this picture. Seriously. I need to learn how to flat-iron or at least blow dry my hair.

Grey kept peeing so I didn't want to have him go diaperless. So I ended up getting some of my scarves and wrapping them around him. You would think that I would have some sort of cute clothing and props but I didn't. I thought it worked out pretty well with the scarves though.

 This one is another favorite.

 Taking some time to try to get this baby to sleep!

This kid looks like an old man sometimes! We will all laugh at this cross-eyed picture someday. I will have to save it to show to his future girlfriend.

I was a little worried about how much Grey's skin was peeling all over his body but fortunately, you can't tell a whole lot from the pictures how bad it was.

It's kind of amazing in these pictures that show scale to remember how fast babies grow. It's so cliche but I really can't believe how big he already is.

 Pretty alert for not even two weeks...

 Another favorite. He finally fell asleep.

 This one too.

 I love the little feet poking out!

 Grey looks a little crusty in these pictures with Lucy but she looks pretty darn cute.
 Had to get just few with them both. There will be many more to come, I am sure.

And of course, we had to end it with this little ham.

So happy with the way these all turned out. Since I have received the files, these pictures have graced several photo collages, personalized cards, photo books, and magnets for Father's Day. It is so worth paying to have some quality pictures taken since I don't usually take them myself. Looking forward to family pictures this fall! Thanks Jennie!! 


Kumi said...

Only three month passed, but it seems a long time ago. Grey had grown so much. Lucy is indeed so cute! How is she recently?

Mark said...

Indeed, these are very good pictures. I'm glad to see Lucy was included.

MamaQ said...

These are great photos - what beautiful children you have! I especially love the sibling ones. Lucy looks adorable!

Emily said...

What great photos for such a great price! They came out awesome. Yes, Greyby has grown up so much and is growing backwards from old man to little baby in the looks dept. I love the cross-eyed picture.

Kendra said...

Just catching up on some blogs now ... Love these photos! Precious pics of the siblings and what a sweet little boy you have!