Monday, July 01, 2013

Four Day Appointment & Jaundice Check - March 21, 2013

Grey had a little bit of jaundice when we left the hospital so the pediatrician on call there recommended that we set up an appointment for a jaundice check to make sure that it didn't get worse with his regular pediatrician within two days. While I wasn't too excited about the jaundice, I was actually really excited about checking Grey's weight to make sure we were on track. Turned out that the jaundice was fine and he had already surpassed his birth weight by 10 oz!

Weight: 7 lbs 14 oz (43%)
Height: 20 in. (50%)
Head Circumference: 14 in. (36%)

I'm pretty sure that the medical assistant made a mistake measuring Grey because there was no way that he could have shrunk an inch since he was born. So his height should have been 21 inches instead of 20 inches. But we were mostly so excited about his weight gain and also that his jaundice was mild and not really an issue.

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