Monday, July 01, 2013

Grey's 2-Week Appointment - March 29, 2013

What a difference baby #2 has been compared to baby #1. With Lucy, we dreaded going to the pediatrician because it always seemed like it was always bad news with her weight loss. But with Grey, I have been excited to go to his appointments to see how he is growing!

Weight: 8 lbs 2 oz (36%)
Height: 21.18 in (74%)
Head Circumference: 14 in (36%)

He's certainly not huge but he's a lot bigger than Lucy. Actually, I'm not really sure how they compare exactly but I'm pretty sure she wasn't as big at her 2-week appointment. Lucy was often classified as "under the 5th percentile" because she was so little. So while Grey weighs less than the average baby, at least he is on the charts! And the medical assistant finally measured him correctly and he is one tall baby. It's funny how different siblings can be or end up. I have a feeling that Lucy's little brother might end up being much bigger than she is in the future.  

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