Thursday, July 11, 2013

Lucy's 4 Year Appointment - April 22, 2013

Lucy's 4 year appointment was rather uneventful besides a vaccine (which she was so brave for!). It's always nice to see how her growth is doing and have some solid numbers.

Weight: 31 lbs 1 oz (17th percentile)
Height: 38.43 in (22nd percentile)
BMI: 14.8 (33rd percentile)

So she is definitely on the smaller side for her age but it is cute because she speaks very well (or at least I don't have a problem understanding her) but looks so young (especially because her hair is still so short). Here are some fun things about Lucy from her mother's perspective:

When Lucy grows up, she wants to be a dance teacher. (Although when I just asked her now, she said a swimming lesson teacher - we are in the middle of swim lessons)


Lucy's favorite foods are noodles (all types like plain pasta, somen, ramen, yakisoba, pho) and bacon. She also loves oatmeal for breakfast (probably because I let her put on as much brown sugar as she likes). She is a lover of fruit, especially strawberries, watermelon, cantaloupe, honeydew, mango, and all berries. She also likes vegetables and will often eat salad (especially with Japanese sesame dressing), broccoli, tomatoes, asparagus, cucumber, and carrots. She has been pretty good about regulating sweets too - she has to earn tokens to get treats like candy and there is a limit of two a day but when I bake cookies or brownies, she is usually satisfied with just one. And thankfully, she doesn't care for cheesecake (which I like to make every once in a while). She also doesn't like ketchup but does like Ranch dressing for dipping.

Lucy has a responsibility chart where she can earn tokens to redeem for tv shows/movies or treats. There is a limit of two shows or one movie and two treats per day but she doesn't earn enough tokens to get these things daily. It's been a great way to indulge her within limits so I don't feel guilty about her watching too much television. Cause I'm okay with a little here and there but when I was busy cleaning (or blogging/wasting time on the internet), I would let her keep watching and watching and now it to so much better for both her and me to have a limit on it. Right now, some of her favorite shows are Dora, Diego, Blue's Clues, Yo Gabba Gabba, Oswald, Little Bear, Wonder Pets, and Pinky Dinky Doo. For movies, she loves pretty much all Disney and Miyazaki movies but has really been into Thumbelina and the Swan Princess.

We have quite the social butterfly. Lucy wants to play with friends daily, preferably at their houses. Some of her favorite people to play with are her cousins Olive, Marlo, and Aeli down the street. Asher & Maya across the street are also fun playmates and so is Liani a couple blocks away. Her preschool friend who just lived a couple of houses away from us, Noel, is moving to Texas and will be missed.

Some of Lucy's favorite things to do are to go to Discovery Gateway and Jump Around Utah. She also loves to swim. But she is pretty satisfied to just play with friends.

This girl just wants to grow up so quickly. She can't wait to be able to wear make-up, deodorant and a bra. She loves watching me put on make-up but at the same time is distraught because she will say, "Mommy, you look prettier than I do!" I think that she thinks that make-up automatically makes you look prettier. She also loves playing with all my jewelry and will sometimes hide it away for herself. Lately, she has been asking me to get her ears pierced so we'll see if we have a post about that sometime in the future. It's such a rite of passage for girls and reminds me how quickly she is growing up.


Kumi said...

I think because Lucy is a girl. Girls have tendency to love dress-up, make-up, playing house - all are to pretend to be a grown-up, don't they????
I really like you give her limits. It is a great way for her to learn patience, accomplishment and satisfaction, isn't it????

Emily said...

I love that she wants to wear makeup, deodorant and a bra. Just like Olive. What girly girls we have. This is a good idea to document these things. I'll have to do a post like this.