Saturday, May 05, 2012

First Haircut

Most kids get their first hair cut at least by one years old if not two. For Brandon's family, they had a tradition not to cut their hair until they were two so Brandon and his brothers sported some very long locks for their first two years of life. That is not the case with Lucy. She was so bald for the longest time and at three years old, she still doesn't have much hair.  What she does have, as illustrated in the pictures below, is a mullet. Although people don't realize it is a mullet because it is usually a giant, frizzy rat's nest with how it looks in the morning after she sleeps on it.

When it is combed out and dry (it is wet above), it actually looks really pretty with these soft curls. But it is rare that I ever do her hair. So Emily decided it was time to give Lucy a hair cut and I gave in. Brandon used to call that rat's nest "Lucy's glory" but there was really nothing glorious about it so it wasn't too hard to convince him that it was finally time for a hair cut.

Emily is no wizard with scissors (although she did a pretty decent job cutting Olive's hair) but I am too cheap and lazy to bring Lucy somewhere professional when she doesn't care so I let Emily have at it.

Lucy was really good but she did manage to move around enough for Emily to cut her neck twice! Ouch!! Fortunately, because she couldn't see it, she got over it fast. I think it is worse when she can see the blood or scrape.

It ended up turning out really cute. Emily did a good job and Lucy was very excited about it.

Lucy's mom may not be able to rock the Carey Mulligan hairstyle so well but Lucy certainly can.

Or maybe it is more of an Emma Watson look:

Or maybe channeling Julie Andrews from the Sound of Music like her cousin Maya does:

Anyway, it is a great look for her. Who knew that cutting off a little hair would make such a big difference.

Kinda wish I saved a little lock but then I remembered how I am not sentimental at all.

She still has the rat's nest but it is much shorter now and easier to comb out. I did find a comb and water sprayer at my house finally so maybe I will be able to stay on top of doing her hair now...or at least for church and special occasions.


Kumi said...

Emily, indeed, did great job. Now Lucy is much cuter and neat looking!!
It seems that Lucy did enjoy her first haircut. Hope her cuts on the neck were very minor, right, ob course!

MamaQ said...

It came out so cute! I was kinda cracking up at Em's choice of embroidery scissors for cutting hair, but whatever works, right!? BTW, did you guys get our package of hair barrettes? Do they work in her hair?

MamaM said...

Damn, I am good.

MamaD said...

Elaine, we did get the barrettes - thank you so much! Lucy isn't a huge fan of putting things in her hair yet. Hopefully, hair accessories will grow on her. And the barrettes are really thick and a little difficult to clip and stay in. Hopefully, we can break them in.

MamaD said...

And I love Olive's butt cheeks in those first pictures.

Kendra said...

"..then I remembered I am not sentimental at all." That line cracks me up. I am not particularly sentimental either so I wonder how I will feel once Sophie is born!