Saturday, May 05, 2012

Maya & Asher's Birthday Party

The excitement for the day was not over after Lucy's birthday party ended. Just a couple of hours after we wrapped things up at our house, we headed to the church for the combined birthday party of the neighbor's kids across the street - Asher and Maya.

Emily and Andrew (the parents) did a carnival theme with lots of games to entertain the kids. Lucy might have completely monopolized the "pony ride" even though I am sure it was meant for some of the younger toddlers.

I was so impressed by all the thought and planning that went into the party. I am not nearly so ambitious.

I might have gorged myself on peanut M&Ms and bagel bites. So much for avoiding junk food at Lucy's birthday party - I totally made up for it here.

At each game station, the kids got prizes to put in their goody bags after playing. Such a cute idea.

This little girl is one of my Primary children from church who was also at the party as is the boy above.

And I love getting pictures of Lucy and her friend, Noel who lives just a couple houses away from us. Noel is just 4 months younger than Lucy - it is great to have so many kids in the neighborhood who are close to Lucy's age (Lucy is exactly a year younger than Asher, the birthday boy and about a year older than Maya, the birthday girl so they are great playmates too).

More sugar - because the cake and Rice Krispie treats from her own party weren't enough.

There was even a guy there making balloon animals and swords.

Good thing they did this at the church, there were a lot of people there!

Happy Birthday Asher and Maya! So glad we could celebrate with you!!

1 comment:

MamaM said...

That's a really cute bday theme. I'll have to remember that.