Saturday, May 05, 2012

Three Year Doctor Appointment

I can't believe that my little girl is three years old. This was the first time at the doctor's office that they had Lucy change into a little medical gown (maybe this was because her doctor moved over to a new office). She was so good for her appointment with the doctor, as always and her growth is right on track.

Here are her stats:

Weight: 12.2 kgs (12th percentile) - this may be a little off because the assistant forgot to have her take her shoes off.
Height: 90 cm (15th percentile)
BMI: 15.1 (29th percentile)

I guess they stop measuring head circumference when they are three? And she gets to stand on the scale like a big girl now and stand to have her height taken.

Anyway, her pediatrician told me Lucy seems very advanced verbally and she thinks it must be because of the way I speak with her (yeah!). And thank goodness she potty trained last year so we didn't even have to discuss that.

One thing that the doctor was concerned about was how Lucy walked on her toes. I never thought much of this but I guess it can turn into a serious problem. Since Lucy started walking, she has almost always walked on her toes. People always remarked about it and would say, "Oh, she's a toe walker - she is going to be a dancer!" But when the pediatrician was feeling Lucy's heel tendons, she told me that they felt really tight and that she wanted to get a second opinion from an orthopedic specialist (not necessarily for surgery but for treatment options). The orthopedic surgeon that she referred me to wasn't on my insurance network so we opted to go straight to physical therapy for an evaluation. More on that in a later post.

And even though Lucy wasn't due for any vaccinations at her three year appointment, I opted to get her a lead blood test just in case since we had done so many renovations to the house and because the house was built in the 50's. She was such a trooper. She has always been pretty tough about receiving shots but I think that the blood test was a little freaky for her because she saw the blood coming out. But when it was all done and over with, she was happy to brag about it and show off her pink bandage (complete with pen drawings on the rest of her arm). Fortunately, the blood tests were normal.

As always, entranced by the iPhone. I don't think we will ever be able to get an iPad with how much she loves gadgets and electronics. Apple knows to bait them young.

Such a happy girl with her daddy!


Kumi said...

Nice to ensure that Lucy didn't have any bad effect from the house renovation.
The last picture of Lucy with Brandon
reminds me of you a lot!

Mark said...

And as Grammie Erma would say, Lucy is really cunnin (i.e. cute).

MamaD said...

Perhaps both would be appropriate?

I know she isn't a member of the military but I thought she was quite brave.