Friday, May 04, 2012

Easter Saturday (April 7th)

Our last day of activities for our crazy first week of April were Easter activities and dinner thoughtfully planned out by Emily's mother-in-law, Peg. We met at a little park right outside Vince and Peggy's place and dove right in.

First was cupcake decorating. Lots of pastel frosting and candy decorations was heaven for the little girls.

Auntie Heidi was a huge help, as always, as the moms and dads snapped pictures for our blogs.

The weather was a little bit chilly but the girls were all in pink dresses/skirts. Such girly girls.

There might have been a little more eating than decorating going on.

The finished product (with a little help from the moms and dads).

Then came the egg dying.

I'm not even sure if I have ever dyed eggs in my life. That's a little sad, isn't it? It actually seems a little wasteful to me but Lucy seemed to enjoy it so maybe we will make it a new tradition in our family (or just crash another family's festivities like we did this year).

And of course, the Easter egg hunt!
This was only Lucy's second Easter egg hunt but she knew exactly what to do. And with only two other girls to compete against unlike the community Easter egg hunt we went to last year where there were a ton of kids, it was easy pickins'.

She ended up needing two bags to collect the goods.

Happy girls!

And then came the candy...

You would think with all that candy, we could get a picture of all three girls actually smiling at the camera. But I guess they were too engrossed in all their goodies.

The Easter festivities were followed by a delicious dinner that I wish I took pictures of. Vince and Peggy provided a yummy ham and rolls, Emily took care of the salad, Kim made these divine mashed potato/yam casserole, and I contributed bacon-wrapped green bean bundles from the Our Best Bites blog.

What? You have never had bacon-wrapped green bean bundles? Then you need to try them (click on the link above for the recipe)!!!! I got Emily the Our Best Bites cookbook for her birthday after trying these at our friend's house for dinner (thanks Candace!). I can't wait to steal the cookbook from her and try some of the other recipes (although there are quite a few you can get directly from the website).

And of course, there were cupcakes for dessert which I had no room for whatsoever. Fortunately, Peg gave me a bunch to take home with me and I was able to give them to my 5/6 year old class that I teach at church the next day. Like I needed to eat any more cupcakes after a dinner like that.

Some pre-Easter family time was a perfect way to wrap up our very busy week.

Thanks for hosting, Vince & Peg!

1 comment:

MamaM said...

Dying eggs isn't wasteful. They're hard boiled so you can totally eat them after. I have a really yummy egg salad recipe that calls for a dozen eggs, so that would be a good way to use them.