Thursday, March 01, 2012

Movin' Monday

This all seems so long ago but it was really just a few days ago. When we woke up on Monday morning, we were all feeling a little crappy. I can't remember why - maybe Lucy had a rough night or we got to sleep a little too late? But we were lamenting that we weren't back in our house yet because we were originally planning on moving all our stuff that had accumulated at Damian's house (which is a lot of stuff) back to our house this past weekend, but then Brandon went to St. George with Adrian. On a whim, I suggested that Brandon take the day off of work and that we move all our stuff back to the house that day. Brandon totally got on board with me - it was a little slow at his work so the timing worked out perfectly. And Lucy had daycare so we could work uninterrupted with getting things organized. We actually didn't have many boxes to move back - it was really just our clothes and Brandon's computer and other odds and ends that we had brought over little by little. So we packed our car and the Blaster (Brandon's parents' Ford Expedition) with laundry baskets of clothes and shopping bags of Lucy's books and DVDs and got on our way.

Brandon mostly took care of setting up the office so that he could get right to work (it's a little depressing how dependent we are on computers these days but it's hard not to be connected!). Thank goodness we had moved the majority of our big furnitire (couches, beds, desks) the previous Monday. But there was still a lot of cleaning and organizing to do, especially in the bathroom and the kitchen which were the only rooms that we did not renovate (even though they are in sore need of some major TLC and I'm already itching to start ripping apart and putting back together again) and became the catch-all for random tools and stuff. And we are still living out of our suitcases and have clothes piled on the floor because I haven't finished paining the closets. But I figure, we might as well live out of suitcases in our own home instead of Damian's house where we have a shorter commute and longer work day (it's so nice to be able to do little projects in the evening!).

This week, Lucy has still been attending daycare while I am cleaning and organizing. I couldn't believe how filthy my kitchen and bathroom got but I guess it is to be expected after 7 months of construction and neglect. The amount of dust that accumulated was unbelievable. And I had to clean out my fridge and freezer because I am pretty sure that at some point, the power got turned off when we were doing electrical and I'm not sure for how long so better to be safe than sorry and get rid of all the food in there. And then, I had to go shopping to restock a lot of food in my kitchen. I think I took for granted how long all this stuff takes!

But we are officially moved in and the house is starting to feel like home! I missed my bed so much and after everything we have done to the house, I just LOVE it!! There is still much to be done in terms of purging a lot of our stuff and organizing and making sure that everything has a place. But after seven months, it is good to be home!!!


Kumi said...

Congratulations. Finally this day came!!! Glad to know that you LOVE your renovated house!

Natalie said...

I'm glad you finally got back into your house. I can't wait to see it once it is furnished and put back together. And there's nothing like sleeping in your own bed so it must be great to be back.

Mark said...

As Dorothy said in the Wizard of Oz, "There's no place like home." In fact, you could have Lucy say that because Lucy has a real Auntie Em. Life imitates art.

MamaQ said...
