Friday, March 16, 2012

Daycare Shamrock Party

Lucy's last day of daycare was today. I'm really happy but a little sad too. I still have some projects that need to be finished around the house but I miss my little girl. I'm hoping that I can still get a few things done each day with Lucy home. I suppose if I'm really unproductive, I can stick her in a few days more. And I guess if I ever need a day off here or there, I can always check to see if they have some room open.

Our daycare provider, Miss Mary e-mails me pictures of Lucy sometimes too. Here is her latest:
I love the little green ribbon crown. And I love that the weather has been so gorgeous outside. We'll have to do our own little St. Patrick's Day festivities tomorrow.


Kumi said...

Hooray!! Now Lucy can be with mommy at home.

Mark said...

Get Lucy her own Leapfrog Laptop and maybe she will occupy herself enough for you to get some small projects done around the house.