Thursday, March 22, 2012

The Emotions Game

Lucy plays this game. Mostly with her dad and Uncle Damian, but sometimes with me. It is really cute. She will sit in your lap and say, "You be angry, I be sad." And then she will make the coordinating face and expect you to do the same. And next she'll say, "You be sad and I'll be happy!" And it goes on. The funniest way is how she says it. I tried to take pictures of it (although I really should have gotten video of it) but it was right after she dropped the camera so the pictures are a bit blurry. But you get the idea.

You be sad, I be happy!

I be happy, you be angry!

You just have to see it in person (or play it with her yourself!). But we're mostly happy she can recognize her emotions (and our own as well). Hopefully, it's mostly happy's in our family with a healthy does of surprise!

1 comment:

Kumi said...

Yes, one Happy Family!! To see this blog makes me happy and smile, too.