Thursday, March 22, 2012

Busy March

It's been a busy March since we moved back in our house. I can't believe how fast this month has flown by and now March is almost over. It feels like when I don't take pictures of what we've been up to, it's like it hasn't even happened. I still want to take pictures of all the improvements we have made to the house but my camera was out of commission and the house is actually a giant disaster because I still haven't finished painting my closets so all of our clothes are in giant heaps on the floor and stuff is pretty much everywhere. And even though I still had Lucy in daycare for the first three weeks that we moved back in so I could clean and organize and get stuff done, I feel like I barely got anything done (like my stupid closets!). And of course, Brandon was working and could only work on the house on the weekends. So in order for him to be productive (he was installing my dishwasher!!!), Lucy and I got out of the house.

The first Saturday we were back (March 3rd), I actually made it to the gym for my yoga class. I'm just aching to start working out regularly again (once I finish painting these stupid closets!!). Sunday was family dinner at Damian's where we picked up the last of our stuff there. I have no idea what we did that second week of March but on the tenth, Lucy and I skipped the gym so we could attend the Puppetry Festival at the Salt Lake City Main Library. I think I was starting to feel guilty about Lucy being in daycare so long and she is at an age where she can appreciate things a little more so when free things come along that are age appropriate for her, I jump on them.

There were several puppet shows throughout the whole day but we missed the first one. We did catch the second two though. The first one was adorable and we had front rows seats and Lucy loved it. The second one we saw was the headliner: Igor Stravinsky's "Petrouchka" by the Maritime Marionettes from Nova Scotia. It was pretty amazing because it was just this older married couple with all these marionettes. Lucy was pretty entranced (although a little frightened as well). She was most excited about the Ballerina but wary of the Moor. I've never seen a marionette performance so it was pretty interesting for me too. But my "free" activity ended up not being so free after I paid $10 for stupid parking in the library garage. I should have taken Trax in but I had all these errands to run after the library. Oh well - at least we got cultured for the day.

We went to Emily's house on her birthday for a yummy birthday dinner and cake on Sunday, the 11th but since I didn't have my camera, I couldn't take any pictures. Fortunately, Jared took some pictures so I am sure that Emily will post those pictures on her blog soon.

I went to my Republican caucus meeting on Thursday, April 15th. It was the second time I have attended (because I didn't even know what it was prior to my first attendance) and I wish we just had a primary system to vote for candidates instead of a caucus where we have to vote for delegates who vote for the candidates. At least the caucus meeting was better attended than the last one I went to but I am pretty sure I was the youngest one there and almost everyone else was much older. However, I think I am going to register as independent and go to the Democratic caucus for the next one. The Republicans in Utah are a little too intense for me.

This last Saturday, Lucy and I skipped the gym again so we could go to the St. Patrick's Day parade at the Gateway. I'm not sure I have ever attended a parade in my life. At least not in Utah. But this was close and I think it is the second largest parade of the year in Utah so I thought I should at least expose Lucy to see if she liked it. Unfortunately, it was a last minute decision so we weren't really well prepared. Parking was a bit of a pain. It was a lot colder than I realized when we got there and we weren't dressed very warmly and the blanket that I usually keep in my trunk wasn't there. I also didn't bring any snacks at all and nothing to sit on. Luckily, Lucy had her stroller but she was still pretty cold. I ended up forking over $3.50 for stupid Girl Scout cookies that some genius was selling at the parade (which is a lot for me to pay for junk food and they didn't even have Thin Mints!) because Lucy was hungry. Very nutritious snack. I think we made it through most of the parade but left before it was done.

I was pretty underwhelmed by the parade and Lucy didn't seem all that interested either, but when I asked her if she liked it, she said she did. So who knows, maybe we will make a new tradition out of it and actually be a little more festive next time (I did wear green leggings but that was about it).

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