Wednesday, May 06, 2009

The Perfect Labor and Delivery

My mom says that I am lucky. I was born 7 lbs 7 oz and the nurse told my mother that I would be very lucky. And I think for the most part, it is true - I feel very fortunate even though I like to complain a lot. But I don't have too many complaints about my pregnancy or my labor and delivery. Since talking about all the details of my pregnancy could take forever, I'll just start at my labor and delivery.

Early Easter morning, around 1:00 a.m., I started to get contractions. I knew that these contractions were different from the Braxton-Hicks contractions I had been experiencing for the past several weeks and needless to say, it was a sleepless night. However, my contractions were highly irregular, coming in anywhere between every 20 minutes to every couple of hours. Brandon and I skipped out on church that day even though he was supposed to teach a lesson but we did still drive down to Provo for Easter dinner with Emily, Jared, and Heidi, all the while I was having contractions throughout the day. By the time we returned from Provo, right around 11:00 p.m. on Easter Sunday, the contractions started coming in much more intense and regular. I labored at home until around 1:30 a.m. when the contractions were about 3-5 minutes apart and then we headed to University Hospital which luckily, because of the time of the night, only took about 20 minutes to get there.

When I checked into the hospital, I was already dilated to an 8 (yeah!) and 90% effaced. After laboring for 2 1/2 more hours in the hospital, I pushed for about 10-15 minutes (all unmedicated) and out came little Lucy. It definitely hurt but the hypnobirthing class that Brandon and I took helped a lot. Here are her stats:

Lucy Mei Dayton
Born Monday, April 13th, 2009 at 4:48 a.m.
Weight: 7 lbs 6 oz
Length: 21.5 inches long

The pictures above were taken by Brandon's brother, Damian.

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