Friday, May 15, 2009

Man's Search for Meaning

During Lucy's night time feedings, I started reading this book and just finished it today. Nursing is a great time to get some reading in and this is the second book I have finished so far since having Lucy. And it's really good - it helped to give me some perspective on my new role as a mother and the radical change that has occurred in my life. Not that being a stay-at-home mom should be compared to being in a concentration camp but the addition of a child in your life can turn your world upside down and really makes you start to wonder about your own meaning and how you want to be defined in life. Life wasn't necessarily easier before (okay, it was for me) but I am hoping that the challenges I face in adjusting to becoming a full-time mother will be more fulfilling and gratifying. This is the new normal for me and I'm just starting to get used to it. I have no idea what each new day will bring and there is really no end or finish line in sight - this new role will be life-long. But I'm okay with that.

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