Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Two Month Check-Up

Here are Lucy's stats from her two month check-up today:

Height: 23 1/2 inches (75th percentile) - This is a 2 inch increase since she was born.
Weight: 10 lb 5 oz (30th percentile) - Almost a 3 lb increase.
Head circumference: 39 cm (50th percentile) - I can't remember what this measurement was when she was born but if I am reading her newborn care record correctly, it looks like it was 33 cm...

So far, she is long and lean, much like her older cousin, Maya but without such a big head. But that doesn't mean she doesn't have big brains - when the pediatrician was examining her, she marveled at how alert she was and informed me that her alertness and eye contact was very advanced, something that she would expect to see in a 4-month old. A lot of family and friends from church have also made this observation so I can't help but come to the conclusion that I have a genius baby. Okay, okay - I'll try not to be one of those mothers. It's just nice to know that she is healthy and developing normally.

Lucy also received some vaccinations today which included three shots and a liquid form. She wasn't crazy about the liquid Rotavirus vaccine but got it down. And she took her shots like a champ - there was some crying immediately after but no tears were shed. By the time I got her dressed and we left the exam room, she had completely stopped her whimpers (which are so adorable) and fell asleep after some nursing.

And to mark the momentous occasion, here are some pictures. I wish I were better at capturing her cuteness but it is really hard to catch her smile on camera. Well, here are the attempts:

Because her eyebrows are dark, it gives a lot of expression to her face but there is a tendency for her to look upset because they're always kinda knotted.

We're halfway there...

And there's a smile!

She wasn't as upset as she looks in this picture - I was just trying to get a shot of her band-aids on each thigh.

I don't often lean her against pillows like this because she never seems very comfortable (as seen on her face) and often falls over to the side. But I know she'll be sitting up before I know it - I just can't get over how quickly they change!


Kumi said...

So~ cute!!!
Lucy has her mom`s eyebrows, nose and mouth.
Her head looks big and her big eyes
are adorable!

MamaM said...

Her eyes are so big and beautiful! She is already growing up so fast. Those are some really cute pictures.

Betsy said...


Lucy is absolutely adorable!! I can't wait to meet her in person!!

Chris said...

Yeah, her eyes are so big! you need to buy her some RED SOX gear!

I think we all need to move on the same street one day so we can actually witness these kids growing up!