Wednesday, June 03, 2009

I Just Love This Girl

Lucy spends much of her day (and most of the night sleeping) although she is starting to get more interactive during her waking time. But even when she is asleep and doing nothing at all, I just fall more in love with her and feel like I could stare at her for hours. She looks so incredibly peaceful and almost always has her arms up by her head and her little legs in the lotus position. And she makes these adorable little sounds as she sleeps - I'll have to try to record it sometime.

Have you ever loved someone so much that it just makes your heart ache? That's what this is like.


MamaM said...

Wow, so sentimental. Post more pictures of her!

Dixiechick said...

I know that feeling oh so well. I remember being able to stare at my newborns for hours too and never getting tired of it. It's amazing what those little ones can do to your heart. :)