Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Look Alike

I swear, this is my sister, Emily...
...the one with the dark hair and peach top. It's actually from the October issue of Parents magazine and it is from an article about lice. Emily doesn't have lice and she is actually 27 years old, not 8 (or however old the girl model is). But I swear I did a double take because it looks so much like here. Look at this real picture of her (in the middle) and tell me that there isn't a likeness:
I'm sure there is a picture of her in a family album that looks even more like the picture from the magazine but I don't have any family albums with me.

And I kinda thought this model from Parents magazine looks like me:
Hmmm - am I pushing it here? Maybe just the eyes...that could have totally been me and Lucy.


Chris said...

I think that girl looks more like Elaine when she was younger.

Unknown said...

you didn't tell me you did a photo shoot for that magazine!

Dixiechick said...

I was going to say the exact same thing as Chris. Definitely more like Elaine. You do look sorta like the model, but you are prettier and Lucy is cuter. Hmmm, new career?