Thursday, October 15, 2009

Millions of Peaches

...peaches for me.

Last year, I discovered peaches...not just any peaches, but Utah peaches. This was around the time that I stopped doing my grocery shopping at Walmart and started shopping at Harmons where they didn't look at me funny when I asked if they had prosciutto or when I brought my re-usable shopping bags. But that is besides the point - what I really love about Harmons is that they support local produce and have these great signs saying "Utah's Own" which also tells you what farm and city in Utah it is from. And Utah does some things really good - peaches is one of them.

I meant to write a post about this last year so these peach pictures were taken then. I was pregnant at the time with Lucy and one of my biggest cravings was fresh Utah peaches. This year, I'm not pregnant, but I still crave Utah peaches. After we returned from Japan, I saw that peach season was in full swing and every week at Harmons, I would stock up on peaches (also very reasonably priced because they're in season). I just can't get enough of them. I should really bottle them (which is hear is quite easy) but maybe next year. What I have done this year (besides just eating them normal) is make peach desserts - Open-faced Peach Custard Pie and Peach Rasberry Cobbler (from Joy of Cooking) and Country Peach Tart (from Better Homes and Garden). My favorite so far has been the Peach Custard Pie. I just wish I had a picture of it. But here is the recipe even though peach season is just about done:


Prepare a 9-inch pie pan, glazing with egg yolk:
Baked Flaky Pastry Crust (There is a separate recipe in the Joy of Cooking for this but I cheated and used refrigerated Pillsbury Pie Crust)
Position a rack in the lower third of the oven. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F.
Whisk together until well blended:
1 large egg or 2 large egg yolks
3/4 cup of sugar
6 tablespoons (3/4 stick) unsalted butter, melted
1/3 cup all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon vanilla
1/4 teaspoon salt
Arrange in a single layer, cut side down, over the bottom of the crust:
3 to 4 fresh peaches, peeled and halved, or 6 to 8 drained canned peach halves ( I actually quartered my peaches or maybe even eighth-ed them so they fit better in the pan)
Pour the egg mixture over the peaches. Bake the pie for 10 minutes. Reduce the oven temperature to 300 degrees F and bake until the custard is brown and crusty on top and appears firmly set in the center when the pan is shaken, about 1 hour longer. Let cool on a rack. Serve warm or at room temperature. The pie can be stored refrigerated for up to 1 day. If you wish, accompany with:
Whipped cream

I'm too lazy to put the "from scratch" recipe for the pie crust so do yourself a favor and just make whatever pie dough you usually do or buy the refrigerated kind. I've yet to make pie crust from scratch cause it just seems too time consuming when the stuff you buy is so much more convenient and tastes just as good.

Sadly, peach season is done...but pear season (another thing that Utah does very well) is still going strong. Next up, Almond Pear Buckle...

1 comment:

Dixiechick said...

Mmmmmm, my mouth is watering. I DO miss Utah peaches, a lot.