Saturday, October 17, 2009

Mommy Mishaps

You know how you just think that you are getting the hang of something and then you fall flat on your face? Or rather, your baby falls flat on her face. Okay, Lucy didn't literally fall on her face but here are a few of my less brilliant mothering moments:

Is it true that a woman's brain turns to mush after she has a baby? Or is that just an excuse we make for ourselves. I'm usually very detail-oriented and like to think that I am right on top of things but sometimes you just buckle the car seat in the car. Yup, as I'm pulling Lucy out of the car after a grocery shopping trip, I realize that I've buckled her in the car seat but I haven't buckled the car seat into the car. And this is the second time this has happened (that I've noticed). Both times have been in a different car than my own because my own car has a locking base so you don't even touch the seat belt. But when there is no locking base, you need to buckle the car seat in with the seat belt. Maybe I just need to get another locking base for the other car.
In my efforts to multi-task, I was holding Lucy in one arm and holding a full laundry basket in the other arm balanced on my hip. On the stairs, I missed a step and fell. Fortunately, I fell backward and only slid down a couple steps and Lucy was fine but I was thisclose to planting my teeth in Lucy's head. I also managed a wicked rug burn on my back from the carpeted stairs. But this could have been a lot worse.

This:Plus this (that's not me and Lucy but you know, I don't have a camera so must use Google image):Plus this:
Equals this:(Except no one else was there except a baby and laundry basket)

I was changing Lucy's diaper on the floor in a hurry and when I picked her up, I scraped her head on the corner of the coffee table. This was just in time for her pictures from the other day but thankfully, her cat outfit had a hooded part that covered up the red scrape.

Lucy is in full crawling mode. Not on hands and knees but pretty fast military style - she'd put to shame many a Marine but she has very tempting targets - the cats. Anyway, while she was on the floor, I totally tripped over her and this part of my ankle...
the lateral malleolus, hit her head and she had a nice red mark there. (By the way, that is not a picture of my feet - again Google Image Search)

And all this has just happened in the past couple days. How do babies survive their infancy and toddler-hood?


Kumi said...

Annie!!! No seat belt on Lucy's seat twice?!! It's too many. I've NEVER done such for all 4 kids. Think twice or three times before you start the car!!

Laura said...

Some mistakes just aren't meant to be posted~ lol! *Refering to your mom's comment

Dixiechick said...

FYI, I have done every single one of the things you just mentioned. Although I did forget to buckle Olivia into the actual seat once and when I went to pick up the car seat she started to fall out. Luckily it was inside and still close to the ground, but YIKES! Also fell down the stairs with Olivia at about 5 months old. So scary. And accidentally bumped or bruised them "in a hurry" several times. Not fun. You start to realize they are pretty resilient! Heavenly Father made them that way on purpose. :)