Friday, November 02, 2012

The Reason...

I haven't posted in so long is because of this:

I'm actually 20 weeks along (already half way there!) so this pregnancy test was taken back in July. I meant to blog about it a lot sooner but I was so sick that I just had no desire to do anything. And then my ultrasound came and went so I figured I should post those pictures too.

Even though I remember being sick the first trimester with Lucy, I was much more sick with this one. I could barely eat and vomited so frequently that I lost count (with Lucy, I think I only vomited twice and that was when I was brushing my tongue too hard and gagged on my toothbrush). The sickness seemed to last a lot longer too - I swear it was over at 12 weeks with Lucy but this went on for 15-16 weeks. So I figured that I was having a boy. And it just made sense that I would have a boy since both of my sisters are having or have had boys.

I'm mostly a little freaked out by ultrasounds. It's fun to get to know the sex but otherwise, it's hard to tell what everything is and what is normal and the baby mostly looks like an alien to me.

 But I guess it is comforting to see arms and legs and such.

We never could get a good money shot on the face so that was a little disappointing. This was the best they could get which doesn't look like much to me.

 But we got some strong arms and legs (definitely comes from my side of the family).

And what do you know, we even have some video. I just looked at our little disc for the first time today and didn't even realize that I had video until I tried to upload it as a picture.


MamaQ said...

I can already tell he is going to be dashing.
Congrats Annie. I'm glad we'll have an entire gaggle of boys. I'm so in love with mine right now. Well, most of the time, when they're not crying...

Kumi said...

Wow, the baby is already kicking!
Talk to him, read to him and play a lot of nice music for him!!!

Kendra said...

Congratulations Annie! So exciting that you all will be having boys so close in age!