Friday, November 09, 2012

Lucy's First Day of Pre-school

Lucy started her first day of preschool on Tuesday, September 4th. I hadn't done a whole lot of research into local preschools and ended up signing her up last minute based on the recommendation of my neighbor across the street whose son attended Lucy's preschool last year. It was close, reasonably priced, and one of Lucy's friends who lives a few doors down from us also goes so we can carpool together. It's only 2 days a week for about 2 1/2 hours but I'll take what I can get! There aren't as many preschool programs for 3 year old children to choose from because most parents do only one year of preschool when their children are 4. But I feel like she was ready and wanted more social interaction and I certainly had no problem getting a break. I also feel like it will be good preparation for preschool next year which will be 4 days a week (hallelujah!!).

Here is what Lucy decided to wear her first day of school. I just love this pose!

 And this face kills me. We did manage to get shoes on her which has always been a challenge. But I think that preschool has actually been really good for getting her to wear shoes more often because she understands that she can't go unless she is wearing shoes and her teacher probably tells her that she has to keep them on. I'm so grateful for other adults disciplining my child because I swear, Lucy has selective hearing with me.

I thought that this pose was hilarious but wish I didn't get so many shadows in it. This girl is such a ham. When I was checking out facebook, I noticed that most other parents were posting about getting a bit teary when they dropped their kids off at their first day of preschool. Brandon and I laughed because we were practically doing the happy dance after we dropped her off because we were so excited to have a break!

It still amazes me how fast she is growing up and changing but I look forward to it. She is in such a fun, sassy stage right now and full of surprises and charm. I cherish these moments but look forward to the future just as much!


Kumi said...

A little innocent girl poses like this is awfully cute!

Emily said...

She is such a ham! I wasn't sure I wanted to put Olive in preschool at three years old, but after this little joy school experiment, I am realizing she loves it and I love the time off, so I'll def. be looking to put her in something next fall.

MamaQ said...

this generation of kids are so funny in front of the camera - they are so aware of it! especially at this age. she is darling. it's so great that kids love school when they're this young. because it is all about play! maybe our public school system could learn a thing or two about that approach for the older grades...

Kendra said...

She seems like such a sassy girl - I love that. I think Sophie is quite sassy already for a 6 month old!