Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Milestones and Four Month Check-Up

I can't believe how much a little baby can grow and develop in a matter of a couple months. In the past couple weeks, Lucy has started to roll over, bat and grab at her toys, and laugh out loud when we kiss her neck. She is so social and loves people and we often hear people say, "She likes me!" because she is constantly smiling at them. We don't have the heart to tell those people that she does that to everyone, and it's not just a singular honor bestowed on them. But lucky Brandon and I get to experience the smiles, coos, and giggles everyday.

Here are the stats for her four-month check-up:
Height: 25 1/2 inches (85th percentile)
Weight: 11 lbs 14 oz (15th percentile)
Head Circumference: 40 3/4 cm (50th percentile)

Her height is a little above the curve she is following and her weight is a little below it but all in all, her pediatrician says she's moving right along where she should be. She also said that Lucy was ahead of the curve in terms of physical development because most 4-month old babies have not yet mastered turning over and Lucy has been doing it for a couple weeks now.

So she's also ready to be introduced to other foods besides breastmilk so we have the okay on water, juice, (in very small amounts) and rice cereal for now. She still doesn't take the bottle very well but maybe she will with a little juice or maybe we'll skip straight to a sippy cup at 6 months. Either way, Brandon and I need to get out on a date.

In honor of the four month check-up, I thought I should also get Lucy's picture taken (but mostly cause I had a coupon to JC Penny's Portrait Studio from Parents magazine). So here she is, already 4 months old:

So this is the only picture I decided to order. I arrived at our appointment exactly on time but the portrait studio was running late. Lucy woke up from her nap right when her appointment was supposed to be and was giving me the biggest smiles ever but after 20 minutes of this, she got hungry and a little fussy so it was really hard to capture a good picture.

This one came in second place but I wasn't crazy with how her jumper was all scrunched up. I'm surprised that she didn't fall over in these ones. I think her hand placement is funny too - she did that herself.

I thought that this picture was hilarious cause it looks like she's giving the finger. I said that to the lady there and she's just like, "Wr can crop that out." And I was like, "No, that's what makes the picture so funny - a four-month old flippin the bird!"

This might have been the most frustrating pose - my arms were so tired and I think that it looks stupid to have just my hands in the picture. But her face is pretty adorable...

But as cute as these pictures are, it just doesn't match the real thing. I had two people stop me in the store and tell me, "She is beautiful! And she is such a good baby too!" A little too good because she gave her mom plenty of time to go shopping and spend a little too much money.

But I'll probably go every month just because it is so cheap with the coupons (free sitting fee, free 8x10, then $3.99 for each additional sheet) and convenient. It doesn't cover these fancy photoshopped pictures which I think are cheesy anyway (but also adorable at the same time). I spent the extra $4.99 to have access to these all digitally just so I could save them to my computer and post them on my blog (but they're too low resolution to print and you can't really see the words on the pictures below).

Sometime, I'll have to set up a photoshoot with Brandon's brother Damian for some family pictures cause I think that he could take better ones than a studio (meaning a little less posed and more natural), it would be cheaper, and we could really take our time. But for now, with everyone being so busy, these will do.


MamaM said...

I like the bird one. Or the one that shows your witch fingers. No, just kidding. The one you chose is the best one. She's so cute!

MamaD said...

We're getting a lot of compliments on the LOVE one - it's so cheesy it's awesome!