Monday, August 17, 2009

Happy 5-Year Anniversary!

I can't believe it was five years ago that this happened:
Five years ago today, Brandon and I were married here:

The Boston LDS Temple.

It was a beautiful, small wedding and it's hard to believe that I was just 20 years old. Since then, we have had many adventures together and it has culminated in the birth of our beautiful daughter, Lucy this year. And although it seems like Lucy is the center of our lives at this moment, I think that it is always important to remember that Brandon will always be my first love, and my first priority. Because Lucy (and subsequent children) will grow up and move out but Brandon will be with me forever.

So here is a little trip down memory lane in pictures of some of the fun times so far (and many hairstyles):
I am not sure what year this was - maybe spring of 2005. But that is us in front of the St. George LDS Temple on a visit to Grandma and Grandpa Thompson.

This was summer of 2005? on a hike down the Narrows at Zions National Park with Emily, Jared, and Chris. That was pretty awesome and exhausting. We'd like to do Subway someday...And I love that my husband looks hot in a beard (although it's intolerable to kiss).

This must be in winter of 2006/2007 because I had shaved my head the summer of 2006 and it was pretty short still. And Brandon totally loved my bald head as much as he loves my current flowing locks (which I am pretty tempted to chop off again).

Spring of 2007, we took an incredible family trip to Japan. It was Brandon's first time and I was more than happy to have someone to share one of my greatest passions with. We're looking forward to going again in just two weeks!

One of our many trips back to Mass for Laura's wedding in September of 2007. Brandon was really great in helping me to prepare for the song I had to sing there and we had so much fun dancing at this wedding. Dancing lessons is one of those things that is on our list of things to do so we can really cut a rug at the next wedding.

This was at a friend's wedding here in Utah in spring 2008, I think. I just love what a handsome husband I have.

This is one of the many hikes we've done together in spring 2008. I'm glad that I have a husband who is the same amount of active (and the same amount of lazy) as me. It works really well.

The above three pictures are from the spring of 2008, when we took the most relaxing trip to a spa in St. George and went on these incredible hikes every morning. This is the only vacation we have ever taken by ourselves (all the rest have been family vacations or visiting family). We're really hoping to do more vacations like this (with just us) in the future.

This is at another friend's wedding the summer of 2008. I was glad we could be somewhat color coordinated even though Brandon hates it when I intentionally try to match him to me.

Brandon was incredibly supportive of me when I played indoor soccer for my work the summer of 2008 and came to all my games (which we won the championship). I never even scored a goal but he always told me how awesome I was after every single game. By the last game, we had just found out I was pregnant with Lucy.

Yet another hike (which was pretty intense) in December of 2008 when I was 5 months pregnant. I was a big whiner but Brandon pushed me along and the view at the end was worth it.

I'm just really grateful that I have such a wonderful husband...that after fives years, we've grown closer together and not further apart. Our personalities are quite complimentary and he is a fabulous father to our daughter. I don't think I could have asked for anything more.


candace said...

Congratulations! I love all the different hairdo's. I love the beard on Brandon. He looks so mountain man hot.

Kumi said...

You are fortunate also to have a wonderful husband. We are so happy tghat you and Brandon are a wonderful couple!!