Friday, July 18, 2014

Raspberry Picking - September 6, 2013

While Brandon was at Comic-Con, Lucy, Grey, and I went down to Emily's so we could go on our annual raspberry picking outing. Emily already blogged about this and took many more pictures HERE.

We remembered to dress ourselves in long sleeve shirts and long sleeve pants after making that mistake last year. But even better, the owner had planted some thornless raspberries and allowed us to pick in those rows. It was wonderful. I know the boys got a little hot but I was on a mission and picked 5 lbs or raspberries!

I was so busy picking, that I didn't bother taking pictures until we were about to leave and the girls starting helping themselves to the free flowers on the way out.

I'm so glad that these two cousins are such good friends.

We relaxed the rest of the day at Emily's. Grey was almost 6 months so I'm obviously feeding him solids in these next pictures but I can't remember if I let him eat any raspberries that day. I think I tried when we were actually picking and he might have choked a bit.

Looking forward to going raspberry picking again this year! I love this annual tradition!!

1 comment:

Kumi said...

Thanks for updating so many!! Love to see all those pics!!! Are you almost catching up?