Thursday, November 21, 2013

Grey's 4 Month Appointment - July 18, 2013

Height: 25.39 in (68th percentile)
Weight: 14.2 lbs (35th percentile)
Head Circumference: 16.7 in (57th percentile)

Ughhh! Trying desperately to catch up since at the time I'm writing about this event, Grey is already 8 months old! Am I cursed to perpetually be 4 months behind?! I just can't skip ahead and disregard all events that have happened in the past four months. That is a third of the year! Half of Grey's life (up to this point)!

Anyway, I can barely remember what was going on with Grey's development at 4 months. I do remember that he had already cut his first tooth (or bottom two teeth?) by this appointment. It was the source of some crappy sleep during the time. I can't remember if he was rolling over yet (or if he had fallen off the bed onto the hard wood floor...or off the couch onto the hard wood floor that one time I asked Lucy to "watch" him for a second). I'm pretty sure he was starting to fall more into a routine at this time which was nice.

His rate of growth is a little slower but he is very similar to Lucy at 4 months except that he is a little heavier and a little shorter. I was so good at getting Lucy's pictures done at this time - I need to work on this for Grey. While I reminisce about Lucy at 4 months, I see the similarities in both of my children - Grey is a very happy baby and always smiling at everyone, just like Lucy. If only I could get him to sleep better.

Oh, I wish I had a picture to commemorate 4 months for Grey but remembering to take pictures has never been my strong suit. Must recommit to do better!

1 comment:

MamaQ said...

yes - it is hard to catch up. maybe you should just "photo vomit" as em calls it.
and yes - take more photos!