Saturday, November 02, 2013

Bath Time - July 5, 2013

I will admit, I was not very good about giving Grey a bath very regularly in his first few months of life. It just didn't seem like he was ever dirty. And it was so hard with him being so floppy and having to hold his head up. I used to have an infant bath for Lucy when she was a baby but I didn't like it (or didn't like how much space it took up or how short-lived its use was) so I sold it on Craigslist and I think I just gave her baths in the bathroom sink in our old home. But I wouldn't give Grey a bath in our bathroom or kitchen sink in our current home cause they are kinda gross. So I settled for a plastic storage bin. Is that weird?

Lucy wanted in on the action and she was actually quite helpful in holding Grey's head up above the water.

Maybe she was tickled by the novelty of taking a bath in a storage bin. Anyway, for your viewing pleasure.

Eventually, Rowe outgrew his infant bath so Emily passed it on to me. And now Grey has outgrown it but at least we have a basement to store it until the next baby comes along. And then, my friend, Candace gave me a different older infant bath sitter thing so Grey is using that now. So no more plastic storage bin - he outgrew it so quickly! Well, I guess now that he is sitting up we could still use it but double baths with Lucy seem to make more sense with them now.


Kumi said...

It's very good idea to use Lucy as a cushion to hold Grey. And the both look so happy.

Mark said...

How convenient to be able to use Lucy to hold him.

MamaQ said...

plastic tub = ingenious.
and hurray - Grey is finally clean!

Emily said...

The plastic tub is very smart and even smarter to have Lucy hold him up. They're so cute.