Thursday, April 12, 2012

Lucy's Dentist Appointment

Going to the dentist isn't a new thing for Lucy. Since we have such great insurance, Lucy has already gone two or three times before. But when we have gone before, the hygienist usually just brushes and flosses Lucy's teeth and the dentist looks at them. But this time, Lucy got her first x-rays and had her teeth cleaned with the real instruments. And she did such a great job.

I didn't take a picture of her in the x-ray room because I was afraid it might mess up the x-rays but I didn't ask so I'm not sure if it actually does. I kinda wish I got her with the big lead covering on her. She only got two x-rays but I was just so happy that she didn't gag because I have terrible memories of going go the dentist when I was kid and gagging when I was getting x-rays taken in my mouth and almost (or maybe actually) vomiting. I'm really glad that I bring Lucy to a pediatric dentist. 

She just looks so cute in that little chair. 

Like most dental offices now, there are televisions installed in the ceilings and each station has a PS3 where children can watch movies or play games. Lucy really wanted to watch the Little Mermaid (which was playing on the television next to her) but unfortunately, it was available on her PS3 and she was stuck with Over the Hedge. She was not as happy as she could have been but still did great. And I must remind her when she is older and going to the dentist that I had no such luxuries when I was a kid. 

Lucy's teeth are looking good. A little crowded but no cavities (which is good because I don't brush her teeth nearly as much as a I should and we almost never floss). There is always room for improvement, right? At least she is getting some early dental hygiene and making positive associations with her dentist. I'm just wondering how come I never got prizes out of a special drawer when I was a kid? All I got was a lousy sticker. Man, kids are pampered now!

(And yeah, Lucy wears that dancing leotard and skirt almost everyday - I pick my battles and this is not one I care to fight in.)


MamaM said...

She is cute in that chair. I really need to take Olive. I'm scared of what they might find since I'm horrible about getting her to brush her teeth in the morning.

Kumi said...

Wow, TV or PS3 on a ceiling above each chair!? It's fantastic! Lucy even looks comfortable in that small chair!

Kendra said...

A tv in the ceiling? Genius! I totally remember gagging and it being a horrible experience.