Wednesday, April 11, 2012

General Conference Daycare

We didn't get a chance to listen to much General Conference last weekend because we were attending Jett's birthday party on Saturday and then helped to watch all the Haleck kids on Sunday. Jared's dad spoke in the Sunday afternoon session so we had three kids dropped off at our house around 11:00 am and watched them until 4:30 pm. With Utah's indecision about whether it was spring or not, we actually had a pretty dreary day in terms of the weather and temperature so we were stuck inside most of the time. But it wasn't as crazy as we anticipated - I think Lucy may have had the toughest time sharing all her toys.

Emily's one year old nephew fell asleep pretty quickly and napped for two hours and the girls (Olive, Marlo, & Lucy) watched My Neighbor Totoro and just played. We did venture out to the park for a quick half hour right before all the parents came to pick up the kids.

This was the only picture I got - the girls engrossed in the movie (and Lucy holding her stuffed Totoro that Baba sent her from Japan!). It's so hard to get a picture of these girls actually looking at the camera and smiling all together. This will have to do.

After the daycare ended, we all headed over to Vince and Peggy's place to eat a yummy post-conference dinner. It was the perfect way to end the day after an afternoon entertaining the kiddos - enjoying food that I didn't have to make!

Thanks Vince and Peggy! They have become the surrogate grandparents to Lucy since me and Brandon don't have any parents in town. We love to tag-along with all the Haleck activities.


Natalie said...

I'm glad you are blogging again. Lucy is so cute and funny.

Krista said...

Great picture! Thanks so much for watching Riley! What a blessing it was to be able to leave Riley in such capable, loving arms. Thank you all!