Thursday, February 25, 2010

Cat Attack!!!

Okay, I'm exaggerating - it wasn't really an attack, more like a scratch. And it was bound to happen sooner or later - two cats and a 10 month old don't always mix. And it was probably more of my fault because the cats are actually really good with Lucy. Rather, they avoid her or just walk away when she annoys them. George actually won't let her get within two feet of him without bolting but Angel is a little more tolerant and will let Lucy pat her and even grab her fur a bit before Lucy gets bored or Angel walks away. However, in this instance, I had closed the door to the room we were in and Lucy cornered Angel and she probably felt a little intimidated (...and threatened...and trapped). I wasn't paying much attention and then heard Lucy cry. This was the result:

The only time I can get these types of close-ups now is when Lucy is asleep.

There are actually two scratches - a small one just under her eye and then the long one across her whole cheek. I know that I'm not going to hear the end of this from all the cat haters out there but besides this one incident, they've been really good! I just hope it doesn't leave a scar!! Poor thing - first, bite marks (and it was on that exact same cheek) and now scratch marks. What next? It probably won't be the last scratches she receives from the cats (I can personally attest - the cats scratch me on accident occasionally) but hopefully, they will be the last ones she receives on her face!

Here is the culprit:No, not those two sweet, little girls (Lucy's cousins), but that fat gray cat they are petting. Angel is so relaxed...

...all playful and cute at first...

Then the claws come out!

I meant to find some cute pictures of the cats (as they were my main subject of photos before Lucy was born) but they must be on our old computer and I all I could find were my nieces from Christmas about to be eaten by my kitty. Just kidding - I know that Lucy's aunt wouldn't be too happy about that.


MamaM said...

Poor baby!

Kendra said...

Not that we have kids...but we trim Cood's claws constantly so when he feels the urge to play and scratch, it doesn't break the skin. Having been raised with no cats or dogs, I think it is wonderful for kids to get used to animals when they are young - it hopefully won't happen again!

Dixie Dixon said...

I didn't know my children were playing with wild, flesh eating cats! :) Morgan was probably in heaven seeing as cats her her absolute FAVORITE and she tells me all the time that she would rather have a cat than a dog (which will never happen in our world) so I hope she gets to enjoy yours every time she is there. :)