Friday, January 15, 2010

Daycare Drama

Last month, I treated myself to a one year gym membership from 24 Hour Fitness for my birthday. Along with that, I paid extra for the daycare so I would have no excuse not to go to the gym. I was also worrying about Lucy's socialization and that she was getting bored at home with just me and that some interaction with other adults and children might do her some good. And getting a 2 hour break from Lucy each day and getting some exercise would do me some good too.

When I picked her up from daycare today, the daycare workers nervously explained to me that another baby bit Lucy! On the cheek! Fortunately, he didn't break the skin and she seemed fine but there was a big, red bite mark on her face. The other baby was actually more of a toddler, I think 18 months, and this is the THIRD time he has bit another baby. It sounded like it was completely unprovoked, that he was actually following around Lucy and "loving her" as the daycare workers explained to me but for some reason, bit her.

The workers have told me that the other children just love Lucy and follow her around and pat her head and she usually has a really good time there. And she's a tough cookie - she usually recovers very quickly from shots, falls, and bonks on the head. I actually feel a little bit bad for the boy's mom because he will be suspended from daycare but it will be up to the daycare supervisor how long that will be. He's already been suspended twice before. I don't know, maybe Lucy has her own little Edward to worry about now.

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