I don't know if it's the gym daycare or just plain bad luck but the whole family is down with another cold. It's a functional cold at least, so Brandon is still able to go to work and it doesn't set me and Lucy back too much but I haven't been to the gym for over a week (mostly cause you're not supposed to bring your sick kids to daycare but I think that there are a few that ignore that rule and that's probably how Lucy got sick in the first place) and I'm going through tissues like crazy. But what I am mostly worried about now is that Lucy may have another ear infection because her nose was dripping like a faucet. Just when she started sleeping through the night again, she starts waking up in the middle of the night and I have been sleeping in the guest bed with her since this weekend. We skipped church on Sunday and have pretty much been home-bound the past week and I'm going crazy.
At least Lucy is as happy a baby as ever:
She is loving the new piggy pajamas that Obaa-chan brought her from Japan.
And enjoying being Manager Lucy in the office chair...
Although being boss isn't always all fun and games - especially with crybabies like mom and dad to watch over...
But nothing spells relief from boredom like playing in the Huggies box!
Who knew that a box could be such entertainment?
"Okay Mom, I'm done and Dad isn't even playing with me - he's reading, again!"
Just for the record, Lucy is not in size 4 diapers yet, she just barely started size 3 - we're just stocking up on a good deal.
I hate winter because it always brings colds and now with kids they never stop.
Lucy looks different within one month since I left Utah.
She is so cute! And you know how you ordered those Target diapers for me because they were a wicked good deal? I got some notice saying it was rejected or couldn't be processed or something. Suck.
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