Thursday, August 22, 2013

Grey's 2-Month Appointment - May 17, 2013

Height: 23.82 in (81%)
Weight: 12.19 lbs (64%)
Head Circumference: 15.9 in (63%)

This already seems so long ago. Grey just turned 5 months last weekend so I still have a lot of catching up to do. But I'm glad I'm getting a post up about this even though it will be picture-less. Mostly, it is fun to compare Grey's growth to Lucy's growth when she was two months. I had thought that Grey was so much bigger than Lucy but their height and head circumference are actually quite similar and it is just his weight that is a bit bigger.

The big difference I noticed in my two babies at two months was with their vaccinations. Grey got his DTap, HIB, Polio, Hep-B, Pneumo PCV, and rotavirus vaccines (which I think was two or three shots and mouth drops). Grey did pretty good about taking the the rotavirus liquid vaccine but he was so upset about the shots compared to Lucy. It just made me think that boys don't have as high a pain tolerance as girls do. Or maybe Lucy is just a really tough cookie. She has always been really good about getting her shots. So he screamed quite a bit and it took him longer to calm down but once he got a good nursing, he was just fine although I'm pretty sure his sleeping was screwed up for several days.

I wish I could remember more about his developing personality at this time but I've already forgotten. Just another reminder to me to stay up to date on my blog.

1 comment:

Kumi said...

The height of both Lucy and Grey at 2 month check up weren't so different, but Lucy is so tiny now.
Well, you should write what you want to remember, otherwise it will be forgotten. I am so bad to keep records and forgot most,,,