Tuesday, May 14, 2013

New Toilet!!

I can't believe it took us so long to get a new toilet. Cause take a look at what we were living with:

Brandon nicknamed him Darth Toilet. At least we got rid of the nasty toilet seat and upgraded to a white toilet seat with a toddler seat insert. It was like going to the bathroom in a black hole when using this toilet. And I'm embarrassed to admit that I almost never cleaned it because you couldn't see anything anyway and even when I did, it still managed to look gross. But the very worst thing about it was how frequently it clogged. It seemed like we used that plunger at least daily. And I'm sure it used a ridiculous amount of water with each flush (which we did constantly with how often it clogged).

So we finally decided it was time to get a new toilet. We put it off for so long because there always seemed like there were more pressing issues to be taken care of around the house. Also, we anticipated that a full bathroom remodel would be our next project so I thought we should just wait until then. But when Brandon started his contract with Disney's Avalanche studio at the beginning of December and had some steady income after being laid off by EA in April, I couldn't put it off any longer. Our fantastic neighbor has a subscription to Consumer Reports and let us do some research into toilets and we (actually, Brandon did all the research) decided on a Toto Drake II toilet. I readily agreed because Toto is a Japanese company and obviously superior. Just kidding - but seriously, it was the best value for the most powerful flush but most water efficient toilet. And if there is one thing that the Japanese know how to do, it is to optimize the potty going experience.

Because Toto toilets are a little more expensive than standard toilets, they're not sold at Lowe's or Home Depot so we had to go to a plumbing supply store. But it was free delivery and we found out that they also sell Toto washlets there which we will have to upgrade to someday. Lucy really loves the bidet and dryer function in those. 

Anyway, here is our before picture which Lucy insisted on being in:

She also insisted on "helping" out her daddy. But I'm glad that he can include her and that she knows that girls can do these types of jobs too (even though I had nothing to do with it and Brandon did all the work on this one).

I think that she actually might have been helpful in those tight spaces.

I never took an "After" picture but you get the idea. I actually ended up doing an mini-makeover to my bathroom that I will post about later so you will have to wait to see my awesome toilet in all its glory until then. I just couldn't stand that exposed drywall any longer (and was also nesting).

1 comment:

Mark said...

Lucy looks like she's a pro at this.