Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Thanksgiving Point Dinosaur Museum - February 8, 2013

Since we usually drive to Emily's house about once a week, we end up passing the Thanksgiving Point dinosaur museum quite frequently on the freeway. It wasn't long before Lucy was bugging me about going. Fortunately for me, Emily and Kim planned a time to go AND there was a Groupon on-line where I could get discount tickets. How often does that actually work out?

In addition to Emily and Kim, Peg, Krista, and Heidi joined the fun as well. It's always nice to have the adults outnumber the kids because you can never have too much help. And Heidi, Krista, and Peg are pros with the girls. 

Lucy giving the dinosaur tale some loving. There was less looking at fossils and more playing with the interactive exhibits. But hey, it's about exposure to new and interesting things, right?

Heidi took a turn being the dinosaur while the rest of us rested and watched.

Baby Rowe got plenty of attention.

And these girls has plenty of fun playing in the sand and digging for dinosaur bones.

Thank goodness for other stay-at-home moms, especially when it is your own family who lives relatively close for get-togethers and play dates. Life is so much better when you have friends and family to join you.

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