Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Baby Rowe (November 4, 2012)

This seems so long ago and Emily blogged about it ages ago HERE and HERE but I wanted to include it in my blog as well, cause you know, being an auntie is kinda a big deal. I received several texts from Emily on Sunday, November 4th throughout the day informing me that she was going into labor but she was trying to labor at home for as long as possible until she headed over to the birth center. So I headed down to the birth center in Orem in the evening to help document and support, anticipating that it would be a late night after arriving immediately after Emily & Jared, right around 6:00 pm. Kim arrived soon after and lucky for us (and Emily), baby Rowe wanted to get OUT and was born within an hour of our arriving. It was definitely intense but fast.

Emily was such a champ (I was lucky enough to also be present when Olive was born) but I will admit, it got me a little worried for my own labor and delivery even though Lucy's birth was completely unmedicated and relatively fast. But that was a long time ago! Well, at least Rowe's labor and delivery was even faster and I'm hoping that mine will be the same way.

Because the labor and delivery was so short and early in the evening, the whole family (Olive, Vince, Peggy, Adam, & Marlo) were all able to stop by and see the new baby. And then Emily and Jared were ready to head home with the new baby so I think that we were all gone by 9:30 or 10:00 pm.

Emily - surprisingly lively after just having given birth!

Rowe - super mellow which pretty much describes his character these first few months of his life.

Less mellow, but you know, you would be too with all the poking and prodding...

Big sister, Olive, was so excited!

Welcome to the world, Rowe!

1 comment:

Emily said...

Yay for baby Rowe! Thanks for being my documentarian (did I make up that word?) Your turn is next!