Last week, I started my new part-time job - babysitting my little niece, Olive. It's the perfect job for a mom like me. The only downside is the commute to her house but it makes more sense for me to go there than for her to come to me. But the upside is that it's only twice a week, for just 4 hours each day, and then I get to hang out with my sister. I would be lying if I say that I don't count down the minutes until Emily gets home but it is mostly because I enjoy the adult conversation of my sister and to tell her all the details of how Olive was and how Lucy played with her or how Sir Bono (her cat) slightly attacked Lucy. When summer comes, it will be even better because we can go and hang out at the pool!
Lucy is so gentle with Olive - she kinda pats her like a cat. And Olive is such a mellow baby, the only time that she really gets upset is when she is hungry - and she gets HUNGRY! I haven't been around a ton of babies but she seems to really pack it down - and then spit it back up. But it has been nice when she goes down for naps with nary a fuss. So far, Lucy has refused to go down for her regular morning naps when we've been there but hopefully, as it becomes more routine, she'll settle back into her normal schedule even when we are there. I wasn't sure what to expect but two babies isn't as hard as I thought it would be. I'm hoping it will get easier when Lucy starts walking but who knows, maybe it will get harder. We both have some babyproofing to do to our homes. The only other issue we have faced so far was when I was changing Olive's poopy diaper and Lucy tried to stick her hand in there. Diaper changes are where I am most vulnerable (cause I usually change her on the floor instead of taking her upstairs to her changing table).
There actually is one more downside about babysitting at my sister's house - I eat so much junk food! I rarely buy the stuff in my own home but Emily must have some hormonal issues going on because she had Oreos, Doritos, Cheetos, and the softest (probably processed) cinnamon bread ever. I have pretty good control about not buying it myself (mostly because I am cheap) but when it is in front of me, I can't help but indulge. And that means that Lucy got her first taste of Cheetos because she fussed so much when she saw me eating them...maybe some incentive not to indulge next time so that I am not feeding my daughter that junk. But I guess every once in a while doesn't hurt - but two times a week is too much to be eating that junk food. Emily - I have no self control when it comes to food - no more junk food, please!
1 comment:
Um, it's all Jared's food...yeah, that's it...
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