Sunday, April 18, 2010

Monkey Girl

Lucy's development happens so gradually but then it hits me all of a sudden how incredible active she is. She has been crawling for a while but now she is climbing up all over and getting into everything. Glad to see that she is so active but it can be a little nerve-racking at times. I haven't caught any pictures of her climbing on the kitchen drawers to reach the higher drawers because I'm scrambling to make sure that she doesn't fall. These pictures are a little more tame of her just getting into her toy chest that Uncle Damian gave her (thanks Damian!). One minute I look over and she is playing on the floor, the next minute, I'm wondering how she got in there...babies are a lot smarter than we give them credit for sometimes.


Mark said...

At this stage you can kill two birds with one stone. For example, if you need a new microwave, buy yourself one and wrap the empty box for Lucy. She'll love the cardboard box and you'll love the microwave.

MamaM said...

I love kids in boxes.