Saturday, November 14, 2009

Seven Months and Standing

So I can't believe that it is November and Thanksgiving is just a couple weeks away and Christmas is just around the corner. But most of all, I can't believe that my little girl is already 7 months! The changes have been so gradual but there are some new milestones she has achieved in the past month.

Lucy is now sitting up on her own although she tends to topple over fairly quickly. She has also pretty much mastered the pincer grasp and especially likes to pinch my face, neck, and engagement ring. Her most recent development is standing against the couch or while I hold her hands (I read that this was quite advanced...) And in the past month, we have also had a lot of success with Elimination Communication and we're "catching" more and more of her poos on her little potty - pretty much daily. I'll have to devote a whole other post to EC but it's very exciting.

So here are her latest pictures from JCPenny. I think that these might be my last pictures from here because even though it is fairly inexpensive, I should really be taking my own pictures and posting them for free. My camera is still in Japan but I realized that the tiny video camera that Brandon's parents got us for Christmas last year can also take still pictures so I should just use that (and maybe take some video of her as well).

Here was the winner of the day. I wasn't super impressed by these pictures or rather, no one really stood out to me. Don't get me wrong - they're all cute but nothing to knock your socks off. And this is one of the two pictures where you can see her two bottom teeth. That's right - her first tooth ended up being two teeth that emerged at the same time.

I thought these ones were really similar to previous poses that she has been in so I passed.

Looking a little pensive here...

And here she is sitting up all on her own (although she does look a little bit awkward). She had fallen asleep in the car on the way so I had to wake her up and she was little disoriented at first. It took her a while to smile. I try not to compare her to other babies her age but she doesn't seem as comfortable sitting up on her own for long periods of time. But I've been told by other mom's that it is probably because she is tall and skinny and once she adds a little more bulk, that it will be easier.
But she sure likes to stand (and yeah, that's me in in the background). She mostly stands on her tiptoes - maybe we have a future ballerina in the family?

And the photographer had some idea in this pose about trying to get Lucy to chew on her own feet and toes but Lucy just wanted to chew on the pink backdrop which I am sure was really clean...

And our "enhanced" image. No LOVE picture here or Lucy's head on Santa's plate. He shouldn't be eating little babies anyway.


Natalie said...

She's a cutie! Thanks for posting new pics.

Laura said...

I'm even MORE in love if that is possible! I need to see you guys again soon...Skype date please! :)

MamaM said...

I love her! She is such a doll.

Matt and Krachel said...

I LOVE the one of her standing alone up to the pillar. She looks great!

Grasshopper said...

what a cute niece i have. and what a long-legged sister i have. we are excited to see both lulu and your legs in january