Monday, November 23, 2009

Feeding Time

Solids is our latest focus with Lucy these days. At first it was really messy, then we thought we had a handle on it and it was fairly neat, but now, messy again.

Especially with prunes.
I understand now why people need so many baby clothes - they are only good up until the next meal. The bibs just don't really protect the sleeves and pant legs. Maybe I need to get one of those smocks that covers her entire body...

And especially with Lucy grabbing the spoon as you feed her.

I have quickly learned that I need two spoons to feed her so that I can constantly rotate out the spoons as she grabs, drops, and grabs again.

Sometimes, feeding requires three spoons, as she is learning to grab with both hands and bang the spoons together, sometimes flinging baby food on adjacent table, chairs, walls, floor, or feeder (me). And if you look close enough, you may even be able to see the prunes that she managed to get in her own ear.

(By the way, we found a new camera! We actually have had it all along - a video camera that takes stills we got for Christmas last year [and that we are just breaking out]. I'm still trying to figure out how to use all the settings. Now I just need to take some video and post it!)


MamaM said...

At least she appears to like prunes.

Dixiechick said...

Here's something I didn't figure out until baby #3...take her clothes OFF to feed her. Trust me, it's worth it. At least the shirt. I ruined so many clothes it's not even funny.

Kumi said...

A smock is a good idea.
Also, please do not let Lucy have a spoon or any pointed item when she is NOT on her chair. Too dangerous!!!

MamaD said...

I would take her clothes off but I'm afraid that she will get cold! Maybe in the summer when it's warmer...

Chris said...

Wow! Lucy is getting so big and cuter by the day. I'm convinced I have the two cutest nieces in the world! (Soon to be three cutest nieces!?!)

MamaD said...

Chris - I swear that she could be your daughter sometimes - some of her expressions look just like you. I think it's the eyebrows - you and I share very similar ones and I think that she has inherited them.