Sunday, April 26, 2015

New Bike Trailer, Brunch, & Farmer's Market - October 6, 2013

Brandon has been riding his bike to and from work (so love that we live close enough to downtown to do this) and has invested in some bike gear to be more safe (extra lights and mirrors) and convenient. In addition, we got a bike trailer so we could ride around with the kids. In our neighborhood, we always see people riding their bikes around and we wanted to be able to bring the kids around too. And we didn't even have to do too much research on what to buy because an old friend of mine had posted about the bike trailer that she got on her blog and told me about all the research she had done so we ended up getting the same one that she got.

Lucy is always up for a new adventure.

Brandon rode with Lucy to the farmer's market and I ended up driving with Grey afterward since he wasn't quite big enough to put in the bike trailer and we knew we would have produce from the farmer's market and I also didn't have a bike of my own at the time.

After farmer's market, we headed to Park Cafe for brunch.

All the yummies from farmer's market.


Emily said...

How do you remember all this stuff?
I want a bike and trailer...

MamaQ said...

Updates! Can't believe this was two years ago!
I'm trying to figure out how to bike with my three boys. They're learning the balance bike now, but if we go anywhere substantial they need to ride in the bike trailer. So where do I put Truman???

Mark said...

Lucy is so cute in that trailer.

Halo BW said...

So cute!