Friday, October 11, 2013

Fireworks - July 3, 2013

Since Grey was born, and even before then, Lucy has loved going over to Aeli's house to play. These two girls have become such good friends and just play together really well. It's so nice having Aeli just a few houses away for Lucy to play with. And Aeli's mom, Marnie, graciously takes Lucy on many of their family outings. Fireworks on July 3rd was no exception. Brandon and I were able to enjoy a relatively quiet night at home taking care of Grey while Lucy was able to fill her social quota. Marnie sent me these pictures from the park. She provided the kids with lots of glow necklaces and bracelets. I think I sent Lucy with some snacks like juice boxes and chips to share.

Marnie invited us along too but we thought it would be a bit much to bring a baby. And generally, I'm not a huge fan of fireworks (although I have lovely memories of fireworks in Japan). Lucy came home so late and was exhausted but I think that she love it. Thank goodness for wonderful neighbors and friends who provide entertainment for Lucy. I'm a little sad that we (Brandon, Lucy, & Grey) didn't share in this memory with her but so grateful that she can still enjoy these times even with our limitations of having a baby. Cause aren't fireworks so magical as a child? I love the little village that I live in that helps to raise my children.


Kumi said...

You could go with Grey. He may like fireworks as well. By the way, It reported that holding a balloon while watching fireworks, you can feel much more impact. Try it!

Mark said...

What a great idea with the glo-sticks. Kids love them when they go trick-or-treating, too.

MamaQ said...

Hurray for fireworks and enlisting other people to help raise your kids!

Emily said...

Yes, it's so nice to have neighbors with kids the same age! You're lucky to have Marnie nearby.