So I had no intention of paying the extra to have
ALL the pictures e-mailed to me but I couldn't resist. Now I just can't stop since I've been going every month for Lucy's pictures. I wish I put a little more thought into what she was going to wear like something more festive or Christmas-y so we could have used the awesome/cheesy Christmas background that JCPenney had. But I hadn't done laundry and this was just about all that we had that was clean. At least it is somewhat seasonal with the snowflakes.
Lucy has been sick with a cold but as enjoyable as ever
except at night when she has been been frequently waking up with teething pain or from her own coughs. Poor thing. A third tooth broke through last week and it looks like we may have her two front teeth any day now.
But anyway, here is our little star in the traditional shots:

I think I ordered this one.

But this was probably second.

It was just so hard to get a smile out of this girl in front of the camera! The photographer was a bit slow though...

I love that we actually had a prop she could use that matched so perfectly. I have to remember to bring my own stuff in and find an outfit that better matches the limited backgrounds they have there.

She was loving the soccer ball too - maybe we have a future soccer player in the family?

I liked this one too except it looks like she was about to topple over. Sitting up is not one of her favorite positions...

...but standing is! I really liked this last picture but I'm just not crazy about being in the background.

And then I just wasn't sure what the photographer was up to in this one but it looks pretty cute in sepia:

Now the rest of the "enhanced" images:

Cute, cute, cute, cute...

...weird, and weird. I mean, who comes up with these templates? They should be named Pedophile Santa and Pedophile Fortune Teller.

Much better!