Thursday, February 21, 2013

Thanksgiving Library Crafts - November 14, 2012

Lucy and I finally got around to going to our own local library for their craft hour. We've gone to a couple of story times and I don't know why it took me so long to make it to the FREE crafts! Maybe because it is on Wednesday at 4:30 pm and that is usually when I am trying to throw dinner together. But I think because I was taking more time away from Lucy so I could get my yoga certification, I put more effort into making the time we did have together more meaningful and fun for her (mommy guilt?). But also, since she is getting older, she is actually able to do the crafts now. We had already done a Saturday craft a different library for Dia de Los Muertos and now we made if for the Thanksgiving craft.

Because it was Thanksgiving, the craft was a little bit fancier. They actually had TWO crafts. And I was pretty surprised (& impressed) with the advancement of Lucy's fine motor skills (what mother isn't, though?). Maybe it is the preschool or maybe it is genetic but she has an awful lot of focus for a three year old and does a pretty fine job with her coloring and staying in the lines. Even her cutting is getting better and better (although I think I helped her with this particular cutting). And though I try very hard not be biased or compare Lucy to other children, the librarian was the one that actually pointed out how much focus Lucy has and how she pays so much attention to details compared to her own three year old (don't you love it when other people compliment your kids?!).

Lucy choose all the colors by herself. I think we might have a Type A personality (like her mom) in how particular she is with her choices and having everything be just so. She took such a long time to color everything but I guess that is a good thing if you want things to be done well.

This little leaf wreath was the second craft but since Lucy took so much time coloring her turkey mask, we just ended up bringing the materials home with us and doing it here. There were actually real leaves collected that we could have used but they were so brittle and falling apart so I was glad that we brought home the artificial leaves which were much easier to work with.

She loves her wreath so much that it is still hanging on the interior knob of our front door. I was totally thinking that I should make another version for Christmas and/or Valentine's Day but I just haven't gotten around to it. That is why I love these free crafts at the library - everything is already there and prepped for you - you just have to show up. Hope we can do more of these in the future!


Kumi said...

The colors of her turkey mask are pretty and filled all leaves so well.
she inherited Brandon's artistic DNA????
Indeed attending library's craft class must be easiest activity, since all materials are prepared there.

The Ceder House's said...

Hey Annie! I bought the Instep Sierra Double Bike Trailer. I did a TON of research on it- you can find it for even cheaper than we bought it now- around $100 on Amazon. The EZ instep one was one of those I researched and it just didn't come close to the Sierra as far as room and comfort for the kids. If I remember right- there is hardly a bottom to it and it is just cloth so if you go over a bump the kids could get injured. Anyways- I am more than happy with our bike trailer. It is easy to set up- pulls great- and the kids fit perfect. It is also pretty well made for the price. Hope that helps!

MamaQ said...

Of course Lucy is far advanced for her age. We have brilliant kids! Her crafts really are beautiful. Nice work Lulu!

Emily said...

Hooray for free crafts! We need to do more of that when the girls are together. And Lucy is really advanced artistically.