Can't believe that my little baby is already 2! We had a small party for her but I was so busy preparing dinner and cleaning up that I didn't even take any pictures. But since my sister got her fancy new digital SLR, I wasn't too concerned because her pictures would be much better than mine. So if you're interested in see some of the pics, you can look here at my sister's blog post.
In other news, Lucy also had her two year appointment. And she is finally back on the charts! She was classified as "Under the 5th percentile" for her weight most of the past year because she was so small (although still growing).
Weight: 22 lbs 11 oz (officially in the 5th percentile)
Height: 34 inches (50th percentile)
Head Circumference: 48 1/2 cm (75th percentile)
Such a skinny little girl but has some decent height and some huge brains! We're hoping for an early potty trainer too because she been going pee and poo on her little potty at home for several weeks all by herself. The only problem is, she only does it when she is naked from the bottom down. I guess we'll just have her in a lot of dresses this summer!